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Pantyhose Forum > General Information > Read This First !!!
Rules Made Simple - PLEASE READ!

1. No passwords/cracking questions/requests in this area. If you will not observe this rule, you will be banned
2. If you have multiple pictures from the same site or thema, please post them in one post, not one post for each
3. Do Not Post under age content ie no under 18 years dressed or nude
4. Do Not Post links requiring registration or premium subscription to acces / download

5. The following is Prohibited:
  • content portraying child porn, zoo, murder, death;
  • content portraying scenes of rape (real or simulated);
  • content portraying bestiality;
  • content portraying actual childbirth;
  • content portryaing 'scat'.
6. Do Not Post any spamfake sites
7. Be sure that anybody didn't place the same links for this site earlier. If you repost other stuff - specify the author of initial post
8. Don't forget to say Thanks if use other peeps work
9. Don't forget to share free gals periodically
10. Do Not Post fullsets from sites.
11. Do Not Post link using money generating redirecting links (i.e. link-bucks, cash-url...)
12. Post here pantyhose stuff. For the stockings and nylon related stuff we have own forum. Idem for Asian, feet, spandex, transexual... stuff!
13. Video post must include a screen capture with at least four (1) image with file desciption (size, res & duration).
14. NO Multiple accounts.
15. We may move, remove, merge or edit your posts without notice, in our sole discretion. When threads are cleaned don't be surprised if your comments disappear. Disregarding any rule will result in deletion of threads, warnings and/or bannings.
16. Members, who brake this rules will be warned, then banned!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a moderator!
sleep.gif OK
sleep.gif Rules update!
QUOTE(furax67 @ Feb 18 2021, 08:21 AM) *

Rules Made Simple - PLEASE READ!
1. No passwords/cracking questions/requests in this area. If you will not observe this rule, you will be banned
2. If you have multiple pictures from the same site or thema, please post them in one post, not one post for each
3. Do Not Post under age content ie no under 18 years dressed or nude
4. Do Not Post links requiring registration or premium subscription to acces / download

5. The following is Prohibited:
  • content portraying child porn, zoo, murder, death;
  • content portraying scenes of rape (real or simulated);
  • content portraying bestiality;
  • content portraying actual childbirth;
  • content portryaing 'scat'.
6. Do Not Post any spamfake sites
7. Be sure that anybody didn't place the same links for this site earlier. If you repost other stuff - specify the author of initial post
8. Don't forget to say Thanks if use other peeps work
9. Don't forget to share free gals periodically
10. Do Not Post fullsets from sites.
11. Do Not Post link using money generating redirecting links (i.e. link-bucks, cash-url...)
12. Post here pantyhose stuff. For the stockings and nylon related stuff we have own forum. Idem for Asian, feet, spandex, transexual... stuff!
13. Video post must include a screen capture with at least four (1) image with file desciption (size, res & duration).
14. NO Multiple accounts.
15. We may move, remove, merge or edit your posts without notice, in our sole discretion. When threads are cleaned don't be surprised if your comments disappear. Disregarding any rule will result in deletion of threads, warnings and/or bannings.
16. Members, who brake this rules will be warned, then banned!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a moderator!

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